“Leaders Are Made” Recap

For the past four weeks, we have been instilling leadership principles through our “Leaders are Made” program at the Harlem Lacrosse Summer Academy. Each day focused on a different LLB value consisting of interactive activities like mindfulness, relay races, and even creating your own brand! Our coaches started each day with a different mindfulness breathing activity and journaling prompt. Some prompts the girls had to answer were:
– What is something you experienced today that made you happy?
– What are some characteristics of a good teammate?
– Where is a place you feel the most calm?

From active listening exercises to an exciting game of “taboo” the girls expanded their communication skills in interactive games, exercises, and discussions. They strengthened their team-building skills for on and off-the-field teamwork. The human alphabet and relay races were the girls’ favorites. Two days of our programming were dedicated to learning about energy fuel tanks. First, they learned to understand when their energy tanks felt full/empty and how to handle those situations. They also illustrated their own fuel tanks which represented that day’s energy levels.

Curious to see more from Leaders Are Made? Check out this short video about the program!